Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference
Josef Stoer
Not Available
Linited Date Rate in Control Systems With Networks
H Ishii and 1 more
H[infinity Symbol] Control and Filtering of Two-Dimensional Systems
C Du and 1 more
New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, and Their Applications
and Their Applications Symposium on New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and 3 more
Rational Matrix Equations in Stochastic Control
T Damm
Cooperative Control
V Kumar and 2 more
Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks and Polynomial Models
A Janczak
Model Array Signal Processing
Heinz Teutsch
LMI Approach to Analysis and Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems With Time Delay
Chong Lin
Applications of Time Delay Systems
John Nelson Chiasson and 1 more
Modelling and Estimation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Non-Linear Systems
Marcin Witczak
Mathematical Methods for Robust and Nonlinear Control
Matthew C Turner and 1 more
Control Theory in the Plane
Otomar Hájek
Analysis and Synthesis of Dynamical Systems With Time-Delays
Yuanqing Xia and 2 more
Time Delay Systems
Rifat Sipahi
Digital Repetitive Control Under Varying Frequency Conditions
Germán A Ramos and 2 more
Compound Control Methodology for Flight Vehicles
Yuanqing Xia and 1 more
Applied Methods and Techniques for Mechatronic Systems
Lei Liu and 4 more
Optimization and Optimal Control in Automotive Systems
Harald Waschl
Coordination Control of Distributed Systems
J H van Schuppen and 1 more
Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Mohamed Djemai and 1 more
Mathematical Control Theory
Mathematical Systems Theory From Behaviors to Nonlinear Control Workshop
Robust Motion Control of Oscillatory-Base Manipulators
Masayoshi Toda
Advances in Control System Technology for Aerospace Applications
Advances in Control System Technology for Aerospace Applications Workshop
Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control
Sorin Olaru and 2 more
Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories
Song Fang and 2 more
Feedback Stabilization of Controlled Dynamical Systems
Laurent Praly
Non-Identifier Based Adaptive Control in Mechatronics
Christoph M Hackl
Distributed Parameter Systems: Modelling and Identification
A Ruberti
The Modelling of Systems With Small Observation Sets
JM Maciejowski
Boundary Control and Boundary Variations
JP Zolesio
Variational and Hamiltonian Control Systems
PE Crouch and 1 more
Distributed Parameter Systems
Franz Kappel and 2 more
Discrete Event Systems: Models and Applications
Pravin Varaiya and 1 more
Frequency Domain Properties of Scalar and Multivariable Feedback Systems
James S Freudenberg and 1 more
Modelling and Adaptive Control
Christopher I Byrnes and 1 more
Nonlinear Time Series and Signal Processing
Ronald R Mohler
Structural Analysis and Design of Multivariable Control Systems
Yih T Tsay and 2 more
Multivariable Control a Graph-Theoretic Approach
Kurt J Reinschke and 1 more
Modern Aircraft Flight Control
Miomir Vukobratovic and 1 more
Modeling, Estimation, and Their Applications for Distributed Parameter Systems
Y Sawaragi and 2 more
The Hyperbolic Map and Applications to the Linear Quadratic Regulator
Brian J Daiuto and 2 more
State-Space Models of Lumped and Distributed Systems
Vojislav Kecman
System Modelling and Optimization
Masao Iri and 1 more
Control of Partial Differential Equations
Alfredo Bermudez
Geometric Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems
Hans J Zwart
Abstract Systems Theory
Mihailo D Mesarovic and 1 more
Stochastic Optimal Control Theory With Application in Self-Tuning Control
Kenneth J Hunt
Singular Control Systems
Liyi Dai
Differential Games and Applications
Tamer S Basar and 1 more
A Complex Variable Approach to the Analysis of Linear Multivariable Feedback Systems
I Postlethwaite and 1 more
Large Scale Systems
Louise Trave and 2 more
Modeling and Control of Systems in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences
Austin Blaquiere
New Trends in Nonlinear Control Theory
J Descusse and 3 more
Knowledge-Based Control With Application to Robots
Clarence W DeSilva and 1 more
Control of Partially-Known Dynamical Systems
Ahmad A Bahnasawi and 1 more
Control of Boundaries and Stabilization
Jacques Simon
Stochastic Differential Systems
Norbert Christopeit and 2 more
Deterministic Identification of Dynamical Systems
Christiaan Heij
Topics in Coding Theory
Göran Einarsson and 5 more
Advances in Communications and Signal Processing
William A Porter and 1 more
Polynomial Response Maps
ED Sontag
Advances in Computing and Control
William A Porter and 2 more
Control of Large Flexible Space Structures
Suresh M Joshi
Interactive Multi-Objective Programming as a Framework for Computer-Aided Control System Design
WaiYin Ng
Stochastic Models for Laser Propagation in Atmospheric Turbulence
Robert P Leland
Auxiliary Signal Design in Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Xue J Zhang
Three Decades of Mathematical System Theory
Hendrik Nijmeijer and 1 more
Stochastic Systems and Optimization
Jerzy Zabczyk
Adaptive Control Strategies for Industrial Use
Sirish L Shah and 1 more
Robust Controller Design Using Normalized Coprime Factor Plant Descriptions
Duncan C McFarlane and 1 more
Experimental Robotics I
Vincent Hayward and 1 more
Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Linear Control Systems
Zoran Gajic and 2 more
Root Clustering in Parameter Space
Shaul Gutman
Algebraic Theory of Linear Feedback Systems With Full and Decentralized Compensators
ANazli Gündes and 1 more
HJ Sebastian and 1 more
Analysis and Optimization of Systems
A Bensoussan and 1 more
Optimal Control With a Worst-Case Performance Criterion and Applications
M Bala Subrahmanyam
Minimum Entropy H_ Control
Denis Mustafa and 1 more
Stabilization of Flexible Structures
Semi-Infinite Programming
R Hettich
Robust Stabilization in the Gap-Topology
Luc CGJM Habets
Modelling and Inverse Problems of Control for Distributed Parameter Systems
Alexander Kurzhanski and 1 more
High-Resolution Methods in Underwater Acoustics
Michel Bouvet and 1 more
Differential Games — Developments in Modelling and Computation
Raimo P Hämäläinen and 1 more
Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis
Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications
Kevin Warwick and 2 more
Control Theory of Distributed Parameter Systems and Applications
Xunjing Li and 1 more
Stochastic Control Theory and Stochastic Differential Systems
M Kohlmann and 1 more
Foundations of Adaptive Control
Petar V Kokotovic
Topics in Stochastic Systems
L Gerencser and 1 more
Advanced Robot Control
Carlos Canudas de Wit
The Autonomous Linear Quadratic Control Problem
Volker L Mehrmann
Differential and Algebraic Riccati Equations With Application to Boundary/Point Control Problems
Irena Lasiecka and 1 more
Algebraic Computing in Control
Gerard Jacob and 1 more
Local Disturbance Decoupling With Stability for Nonlinear Systems
Leonardus LM van der Wegen
Integrated System for Intelligent Control
Ming Rao
Robust Control for Unstructured Perturbations — An Introduction
Peter Dorato and 2 more
Guaranteed Estimates, Adaptation and Robustness in Control Systems
VM Kuntzevich and 1 more
Qualitative Aspects of Large Scale Systems
O I Franksen and 2 more
Mechanics and Control
Janislaw M Skowronski and 2 more
Numerical Operations With Polynomial Matrices
Peter Stefanidis and 2 more
H Tolle and 1 more
On Moment Theory and Controllability of One-Dimensional Vibrating Systems and Heating Processes
Werner Krabs
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design
Adriaan JM Beulens and 1 more
Stability Analysis for Linear Repetitive Processes
Eric Rogers and 1 more
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications
Boris L Rozovskii and 1 more
Applied Stochastic Analysis
Ioannis Karatzas and 1 more
Boundary Control and Boundary Variation
Jean P Zolesio
Block Pulse Functions and Their Applications in Control Systems
Zhihua Jiang and 1 more
Modelling and Optimization of Complex System
GI Marchuk
Peter Kall
Positioning Systems
Christopher R Drane
Advanced Methods for Satellite and Deep Space Communications
Joachim Hagenauer
Robust Control
Shigeyuki Hosoe
Stochastic Theory and Adaptive Control
TE Duncan and 1 more
RoManSy 9
CISMIFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators and 5 more
Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer
D S Naidu
Non-Identifier-Based High-Gain Adaptive Control
Achim Ilchmann
Global and Large Scale System Models
B Lazarevic
Experimental Robotics II
Raja Chatila and 1 more
Simultaneous Stabilization of Linear Systems
Vincent Blondel
The Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems
Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems Workshop and 2 more
Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control
Alan SI Zinober
Realization Probabilities
XiRen Cao
Dynamical Systems With Saturation Nonlinearities
Derong Liu and 1 more
Noninteracting Control With Stability for Nonlinear Systems
Stefano Battilotti
Jacques Henry and 1 more
Advanced Technologies for Air Traffic Flow Management
Heinz Winter and 1 more
11th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Discrete Event Systems
Guy Cohen and 1 more
New Trends in Systems Analysis
Stability of Adaptive Controllers
B Egardt
Experimental Robotics III
Tsuneo Yoshikawa and 1 more
Robust Stability and Convexity
Jacob Kogan
Feedback Control, Nonlinear Systems, and Complexity
Bruce A Francis and 1 more
Macrosystems Theory and Its Applications
IU S Popkov
Logical Approach to Systems Theory
Shingo Takahashi and 1 more
Inversion Method in the Discrete-Time Nonlinear Control Systems Synthesis Problems
Ülle Kotta
Linear Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems With Applications to Singular Perturbations and Weak Coupling
Zijad AganoviÔc and 1 more
Optimal Feedback Control
R Gabasov and 2 more
Proceedings of Workshop on Advances in Control and Its Applications
Workshop on Advances in Control and Its Applications and 3 more
Robust Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems
Ciprian Foias and 2 more
Optimal Experiment Design for Dynamic System Identification
MB Zarrop
Balanced Control of Flexible Structures
Wodek Gawronski
General Hybrid Orthogonal Functions and Their Applications in Systems and Control
Amit Rao and 1 more
Recent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems
George Yin and 1 more
Colloquium on Automatic Control
Claudio Bonivento and 2 more
Recursive Nonlinear Estimation
Rudolf KulhavÔy
Robust Control Via Variable Structure and Lyapunov Techniques
Franco Garofalo and 2 more
International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems and 1 more
Control of Nonlinear Multibody Flexible Space Structures
Atul Kelkar and 1 more
Control Using Logic-Based Switching
A Stephen Morse
Experimental Robotics IV
O Khatib and 1 more
Learning Automata and Stochastic Optimization
A S Pozniak and 1 more
Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area Networks
G Cooperman and 2 more
Control of Uncertain Systems With Bounded Inputs
Sophie Tarbouriech and 1 more
Stability and Control of Time-Delay Systems
L Dugard and 1 more
Optimization Techniques
K Iracki and 2 more
Control Problems in Robotics and Automation
Bruno Siciliano and 1 more
Control of Indefinite Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
S V Emelianov and 2 more
Experimental Robotics V
Alícia Casals and 2 more
Complex Robotic Systems
Pasquale Chiacchio and 1 more
Neural Networks in Multidimensional Domains
Paolo Arena
H [Infinity] Control and Its Applications
Ben M Chen
Autonomous Robotic Systems
Anibal T de Almeida and 1 more
The Confluence of Vision and Control
David J Kreigman and 2 more
Computational Methods for Controller Design
Nicola Elia and 1 more
Finite Spectrum Assignment for Time-Delay Systems
QingGuo Wang and 2 more
Methods and Applications in Adaptive Control
H Unbehauen
Low Gain Feedback
Zongli Lin
Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems
Bruce A Francis and 3 more
Progress in System and Robot Analysis and Control Design
Intelligent Systems and 3 more
New Directions in Nonlinear Observer Design
Henk Nijmeijer and 1 more
Robustness in Identification and Control
A Garulli and 2 more
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
Dirk Aeyels and 3 more
Variable Structure Systems, Sliding Mode and Nonlinear Control
K D Young and 2 more
Iterative Learning Control
YangQuan Chen and 1 more
Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing
Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing and 3 more
B Grigelionis
Experimental Robotics VI
Peter I Corke and 1 more
An Introduction to Hybrid Dynamical Systems
A J van der Schaft and 1 more
Multiple Objective Control Synthesis
Murti V Salapaka and 1 more
Human Error and System Design and Management
P Elzer and 2 more
Hierarchical Nonlinear Switching Control Design With Applications to Propulsion Systems
Alexander Leonessa and 2 more
Topics in Multidimensional Linear Systems Theory
Eva Zerz
Flexible-Link Robot Manipulators
M Moallem and 2 more
Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000. Vol. 1
A Isidori and 2 more
Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000
Regenerative Simulation of Response Times in Networks of Queues
D L Iglehart and 1 more
Non-Linear Control Based on Physical Models
Andreas Kugi
Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators Using Neural Networks
H A Talebi and 2 more
Nonlinear Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots
Warren E Dixon
State-Space Realisations of Linear 2-D Systems With Extensions to the General nD (N>2) Case
Krzysztof Galkowski
Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems
Alfonso Baños and 2 more
Linear Time Varying Systems and Sampled-Data Systems
Akira Ichikawa and 1 more
Modeling and IPC Control of Interactive Mechanical Systems
Stefano Stramigioli
Perspectives in Robust Control
Robust Control Workshop and 1 more
Extensions of Linear-Quadratic Control Theory
D H Jacobson and 3 more
Salvatore Nicosia and 3 more
Experimental Robotics VII
Daniela Rus and 1 more
Impulsive Control Theory
Tao Yang
Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control
Fritz Colonius and 1 more
Variable Structure Systems
Xinghuo Yu and 1 more
Uncertain Logics, Variables, and Systems
Zdzislaw Bubnicki
Hankel Norm Approximation for Infinite-Dimensional Systems
A Sasane
Modelling, Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems
S Engell and 2 more
Stochastic Theory and Control
Bozenna PasikDuncan
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
Alan SI Zinober and 1 more
Modelling, State Observation and Diagnosis of Quantised Systems
Jochen Schröder
Advanced Techniques for Clearance of Flight Control Laws
Christopher Fielding
Piecewise Linear Control Systems
Mikael KJ Johansson
Decoupling Control
QingGuo Wang
Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization
Anders Rantzer and 1 more
Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems
Mufeed Mahmoud and 2 more
Control of Sandwich Nonlinear Systems
Avinash Taware and 1 more
Multidisciplinary Research in Control
Laura Giarré and 1 more
Input-Output Analysis of Large-Scale Interconnected Systems
M Vidyasagar
Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid Systems
Francesco Borrelli
Linear and Nonlinear Iterative Learning Control
JianXin Xu and 1 more
Chaos Control
Guanrong Chen and 1 more
Bifurcation Control
Guanrong Chen and 2 more
Positive Systems: Theory and Applications
Luca Benvenuti and 2 more
Realization Theory of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems
T Matsuo and 1 more
PID Trajectory Tracking Control for Mechanical Systems
Youngjin Choi and 1 more
Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation
Intelligence and Automation International Conference on Robotic Welding and 3 more
P Hagedorn and 2 more
Optimization and Optimal Control
A Auslender and 2 more
Mechatronic Servo System Control
M Nakamura and 2 more
Optimal Control, Stabilization and Nonsmooth Analysis
Louisiana Conference on Mathematical Control Theory and 3 more
Adaptive Dual Control
N M Filatov and 1 more
Resilient Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems
Magdi S Mahmoud
Theory of the Non-Linear Analog Phase Locked Loop
Nikolaos I Margaris
Ensuring Control Accuracy
A V Nebylov
Advances in Rehabilitation Robotics
Z Bien and 1 more
Perturbation Compensator Based Robust Tracking Control and State Estimation of Mechanical Systems
SangJoo Kwon and 1 more
Advances in Communication Control Networks
Sophie Tarbouriech and 2 more
Projection Methods in Constrained Optimisation and Applications to Optimal Policy Decisions
Berc Rustem
Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory
F LamnabhiLagarrigue and 2 more
Positive Polynomials in Control
D Henrion and 1 more
Switched and Impulsive Systems
Zhengguo Li and 2 more
Explicit Stability Conditions for Continuous Systems
Michael I Gil
Sound Capture for Human / Machine Interfaces
Wolfgang Herbordt
Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators
Rajni V Patel and 1 more
Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State Tree Structures
Chuan Ma and 1 more
H [Infinity Symbol] Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Linear Systems
Eli Gershon and 2 more
Hybrid Estimation of Complex Systems
Michael W Hofbaur
Realization Theory of Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems
T Matsuo
Control Reconfiguration of Dynamical Systems
Thomas Steffen
New Directions and Applications in Control Theory
Wijesuriya P Dayawansa and 2 more
Control and Observer Design for Nonliear Finite-and Infinite-Dimensional Systems
Symposium on Nonlinear Control and Observer Design from Theory to Applications and 3 more
Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control
B Bandyopadhyay and 1 more
Control of Nonlinear and Hybrid Process Systems
Panagiotis D Christofides and 1 more
Robust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters
Francesco Amato
H [Infinity Symbol] Control for Nonlinear Descriptor Systems
HeSheng Wang and 2 more
Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation
JeanDaniel Fournier
A Loría and 2 more
Control of Uncertain Systems: Modelling, Approximation, and Design
K Glover and 3 more
Hydraulic Control Systems — Design and Analysis of Their Dynamics
P Dransfield
Control of Fluid Flow
Petros D Koumoutsakos and 1 more
Networked Embedded Sensing and Control
Workshop on Networked Embedded Sensing and Control and 2 more
Robust Control and Filtering of Singular Systems
Shengyuan Xu and 1 more
Switched Finite Time Control of a Class of Underactuated Systems
Ravi N Banavar and 1 more
Advances in Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Control
IEEE international workshop on Variable structure systems and 3 more
Robot Motion and Control
International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control and 1 more
Group Coordination and Cooperative Control
K Y Pettersen and 2 more
Stochastic Hybrid Systems
Henk AP Blom and 1 more
Finite Zeros in Discrete Time Control Systems
Jerzy Tokarzewski
Higher Order Necessary Conditions in Optimal Control Theory
H W Knobloch
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics
Moritz Diehl and 1 more
Positive Systems
Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Positive Systems Theory and Applications and 2 more
Realization Theory and Design of Digital Images
Yasumichi Hasegawa and 1 more
Reduced Order Systems
Ali A Jalali and 2 more
Intelligent Control and Automation
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and 3 more
Advanced Strategies in Control Systems With Input and Output Constraints
Global Modelling
S Krcevinac
Modeling, Control and Implementation of Smart Structures
B Bandyopadhyay and 2 more
Advances in Control Theory and Applications
Claudio Bonivento
Control and Estimation of Systems With Input/Output Delays
Huanshui Zhang and 1 more
Dynamic Analysis of Petri Net-Based Discrete Systems
Andrei Karatkevich
Biology and Control Theory
Isabelle Queinnec and 3 more
Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Rolf Findeisen and 2 more
Optimal Control of Constrained Piecewise Affine Systems
Frank Christophersen
M Arato and 2 more
Robot Motion and Control 2007
Selected Topics in Dynamics and Control of Chemical and Biological Processes
Hugo Oscar MéndezAcosta and 2 more
TzyhJong Tarn and 2 more
Nonlinear Observers and Applications
Gildas Besançon
Modeling, Estimation and Control
Alessandro Chiuso and 2 more
Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control
Declan Bates and 1 more
Closed-Loop Control of Blood Glucose
Frederick Chee and 1 more
Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization
Michael Hirsch and 3 more
Advances in Nonlinear Parameter Optimization
R Schmidt
Recent Progress in Robotics
International Conference on Advanced Robotics and 3 more
Recent Advances in Learning and Control
M Vidyasagar and 3 more
Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain Systems
Jing Zhou and 1 more
PID Control for Multivariable Processes
Modern Sliding Mode Control Theory
Giorgio Bartolini and 3 more
Approximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems
Yasumichi Hasegawa
Artificial Neural Networks for the Modelling and Fault Diagnosis of Technical Processes
Krzysztof Patan
Robust Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Via Feedback
Ricardo Femat and 1 more
Model Abstraction in Dynamical Systems
Patricia Mellodge and 1 more
New Trends in Optimal Filtering and Control for Polynomial and Time-Delay Systems
Michael Basin
Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies
International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization and 1 more
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Lalo Magni and 2 more
The Joint Spectral Radius
Raphaël Jungers
Topics in Time Delay Systems
Jean Jacques Loiseau and 3 more
Rafael Bru and 1 more
Feedback Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
D Hinrichsen and 1 more
Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems
Graziano Chesi
Control Configuration Selection for Multivariable Plants
A KhakiSedigh and 1 more
Sliding Mode Control Using Novel Sliding Surfaces
Emergent Problems in Nonlinear Systems and Control
Bijoy Ghosh and 2 more
Robot Motion and Control 2009
Fault Tolerant Control Design for Hybrid Systems
Hao Yang and 2 more
Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing
Jan C Willems and 3 more
Fault Tolerant Flight Control
Christopher Edwards and 2 more
An Introduction to the Regenerative Method for Simulation Analysis
MA Crane and 1 more
Multivariable Feedback
Y S Hung and 1 more
Linear, Time-Varying Approximations to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Maria TomásRodriguez and 1 more
Modeling and Identification of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems
Roland Tóth
Block-Oriented Nonlinear System Identification
Fouad Giri and 1 more
Safe Adaptive Control
Margareta Stefanovic and 1 more
Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems With Physical Modeling
Jean Levine and 1 more
Reconfigurable Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Jan H Richter
Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems
Nonlinear Time-Discrete Systems
M Gössel
Linear Time-Varying Systems
Henri Bourlès and 1 more
Selected Problems of Fractional Systems Theory
Tadeusz Kaczorek
Sliding Modes After the First Decade of the 21st Century
Leonid Fridman and 2 more
Control Technologies for Emerging Micro and Nanoscale Systems
Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Micro and Nanoscale Systems and 2 more
Sliding Mode Based Analysis and Identification of Vehicle Dynamics
Hocine Imine
Optimization Based Clearance of Flight Control Laws
Andreas Varga and 2 more
Identification for Automotive Systems
Daniel Alberer and 2 more
Fault Detection and Flight Data Measurement
Ihab Samy and 1 more
Advances in Filtering and Optimal Stochastic Control
W H Fleming and 1 more
Functional Observers for Dynamical Systems
Hieu Trinh and 1 more
Optimal Sensor Networks Scheduling in Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems
Maciej Patan
Geometric Control of Patterned Linear Systems
Sarah C Hamilton and 1 more
Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Alexandra Grancharova and 1 more
Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems
Hongjiu Yang
Modeling and Control of a Large Nuclear Reactor
S R Shimjith and 2 more
Stability Analysis and Design for Nonlinear Singular Systems
Chunyu Yang and 2 more
Observer-Based Fault Estimation and Accomodation for Dynamic Systems
Ke Zhang and 2 more
Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying Approaches
International Summer School in Automatic Control
Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems
Eli Gershon and 1 more
Advances in Sliding Mode Control
IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
Biomedical Applications of Control Engineering
Selim S Hacisalihzade
Analysis and Synthesis of Singular Systems With Time-Delays
ZhengGuang Wu and 3 more
Recent Advances in Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Fariba Fahroo and 2 more
Robust Filtering and Fault Detection of Switched Delay Systems
Dong Wang and 2 more
Disturbance Attenuation for Uncertain Control Systems
H W Knobloch and 2 more
Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
Workshop on Control of CyberPhysical Systems and 1 more
Linear Stochastic Systems With Constant Coefficients
M Arato
Information and Control in Networks
LCCC Workshop in Information and Control in Networks
Constrained Control of Uncertain, Time-Varying Discrete-Time Systems
Hoài Nam NguyÒõen
Partial Stabilization and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems With Elastic Elements
Alexander L Zuyev
Supervisor Localization
Kai Cai and 1 more
Time-Scale Modeling of Dynamic Networks With Applications to Power Systems
J H Chow
Mathematical Control Theory II
Madhu N Belur and 3 more
Control Engineering and Finance
Adaptive Systems With Reduced Models
Petros A Ioannou and 1 more
Nonlinear Systems
H Nijmeijer
Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Positive Systems Theory and Applications
Introduction to Averaging Dynamics Over Networks
Fabio Fagnani and 1 more
Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints
Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving Functions
Harald Waschl and 2 more
Optimal Impulsive Control
Aram Arutyunov and 2 more
Hybrid System Identification
Fabien Lauer and 1 more
Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems
Pauline Bernard
Feedback Strategies for Partially Observable Stochastic Systems
Y Yavin
James Lam
Advances in H8 Control Theory
Advances in H? Control Theory
Structural Methods in the Study of Complex Systems
Elena Zattoni and 2 more
Trends in Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
ZhongPing Jiang
Security and Resilience of Control Systems
Hideaki Ishii and 1 more
Hideaki Ishii
Theory and Application of Random Fields
G Kallianpur
Robust Control for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems in the Finite-Time Domain
Xiaoli Luan and 2 more
Singular Optimal Control
D J Clements and 1 more
Applications of Automatic Control Concepts to Traffic Flow Modeling and Control
M Papageorgiou
Optimization of Discrete Time Systems
Z Nahorski and 2 more
Perturbations, Approximations and Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control Systems
A L Dontchev
General Decoupling Theory of Multivariable Process Control Systems
C H Liu
Control Theory for Distributed Parameter Systems and Applications
F Kappel and 2 more
Piecewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Systems and Control
Ganti P Rao
Identification of Continuous Dynamical Systems
DC Saha and 1 more
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
PA Fuhrmann
P ThoftChristensen
J Stoer
Modelling and Performance Evaluation Methodology
F Baccelli and 1 more
Filtering and Control of Random Processes
H Korezlioglu and 2 more
Stackelberg Differential Games in Economic Models
A Bagchi
Numerical Studies in Nonlinear Filtering
Systems and Optimization
A Bagchi and 1 more
Real Time Control of Large Scale Systems
G Schmidt and 3 more
Two-Dimensional Linear Systems
T Kaczorek
M Metivier and 1 more
Optimization Techniques II
Uncertainty and Control
Jürgen Ackermann
New Topics in Learning Automata Theory and Applications
Norio Baba
Nonlinear Prediction Ladder-Filters for Higher-Order Stochastic Sequences
Jan Zarzycki
Control System Design Based on Exact Model Matching Techniques
Kunihiko Ichikawa
Stochastic Programming
Francesco Archetti and 2 more
Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems
Michele Basseville and 1 more
Signal Processing for Control
Keith Godfrey and 1 more
Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems Theory
RF Curtain and 1 more
Artificial Intelligence and Man-Machine Systems
Heinz Winter
Stochastic Optimization
Vadim I Arkin and 2 more
Analysis and Algorithms of Optimization Problems
Kazimierz Malanowski and 1 more
A Prekopa and 2 more
Stochastic Processes in Underwater Acoustics
Charles R Baker
Time Series and Linear Systems
Sergio Bittanti
Recent Advances in System Modelling and Optimization
Luis Contesse and 2 more
A Course in H8 Control Theory
Bruce A Francis
An Expert Systems Approach to Computer-Aided Design of Multivariable Systems
Grantham KH Pang and 1 more
Learning Systems
Y M ElFattah and 1 more
Singular Perturbations and Asymptotic Analysis in Control Systems
Petar V Kokotovic and 2 more
Stochastic Modelling and Filtering
Alfredo Germani
Large Scale Systems Stability Under Structural and Singular Perturbations
Ljubomir T Grujic and 2 more
Stability of Solutions to Convex Problems of Optimization
K Malanowski
Computational Complexity of Bilinear Forms
Hari Krishna
Optimal Control
Roland Bulirsch and 3 more
Hans Jürgen Engelbert and 1 more
Control Problems for Systems Described by Partial Differential Equations and Applications
Stochastic Adaptive Control Results and Simulations
Alexis Aloneftis
Robust Stabilization Against Structured Perturbations
Shankar P Bhattacharyya